Jacky van den Bergfiretreeadmin2020-11-02T13:00:25+00:00 Jacky van den Berg Sales rep What year did you start?: 2020 What do you do at Whylo?: Sales representative Tell us about…
Rosslyn Marotfiretreeadmin2018-06-27T11:32:05+00:00 Rosslyn Marot Sales & accounts What year did you start?: I started with Whysalls way back with in 1991 (Whylo…
John Mattheefiretreeadmin2018-06-27T11:59:22+00:00 John Matthee Area Manager (Cape Town) What year did you start?: 2013 What do you do at Whylo?: I’m the area…
Trevor Wroe-Streetfiretreeadmin2018-06-27T11:45:10+00:00 Trevor Wroe-Street Sales, repairs, support What year did you start?: 2013 What do you do at Whylo?: Everything and some…